Endure The Colors

 Endurance: The first humanities class in my last term. Endurance has been, as the name suggests, about finding how to endure; learning to build resilience in ourselves. We looked at many examples of endurance in the forms of physical, mental, emotional, and political endurance. The first story we looked at was Ernest Shackleton. He led an expedition to go through the Arctic. When they got close to land the ice in the water froze their ship in place so eventually they had to abandon the ship with supplies to look for a way to get help. The plan was to cross the most deadly sea in the world to reach an island confirmed to have people to help. Keep in mind, they went through a sea that had potential for 50-80ft waves while they crossed successfully in their extra life boats. Side note: The ship was recently discovered in great condition. Going forward, we read the book "Night" a personally told story by Elie Wiesel. It was his retelling of his experience in the Holocaust. Though a horrific tragedy it was an amazing story that I highly recommend. Now that we have looked at the resilience through hardship of others, we will be experiencing our own. For this action project, we were told to come up with something to do that would take at least 12 hours to complete (I ended up with 13). For mine, I wanted to create a painting to hang in the new GCE building after I leave. I decided on this for several reasons: First, I want to leave something behind to show my presence in the world which is the reason I want to become an architect. Second, I want to improve my skills in painting with acrylics. And third, I plan on expanding on this project for my senior capstone. To guide my work, I have chosen the question "Who have I become in my high school years?" I believe this painting will display that guide well. Without any more delay, here is the video I took documenting the process:


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