
Showing posts from February, 2020

What Can I Give You?

In my class, Forbidden Books, the unit of study has been about dogma. The overall study has been on what dogma is and how it is portrayed. Before going any further, I should probably give a definition; Dogma is a belief or set of beliefs that are set out by a person or nation, seen to be true and factual. We have seen the applications of dogma in our field experiences: First, we were able to visit a Mosque to look at it from a religious standpoint, hearing the teachings of the Koran and how they affect the Muslim people. The second field experience we had was a visit to the “Women and Children's First” feminist library to hear about how dogma can be regulated, in the form of censorship. Now getting to the topic at hand, I was asked to make a podcast interview with a chosen character from my book and show their dogma and the dogma of the time period. The book had only one requirement: It has to have been banned at some point. I chose “The Giver” by Lois Lowry, as you can expect ther