
Showing posts from June, 2022

Survive The Build

 For the final action project of my humanities class "Endurance" I am asked to guide myself in the future. Kind of like a time capsule of my plans for the future I am to create a guide for the future. I'm not the type of person to plan ahead, more of the spur of the moment type so my plans are a bit vague. To be honest its a bit too open as I have no idea what's in store for me in college or in life but here it goes. My guide for myself going forward:  I'm not the best at goodbyes but this will probably be my last post on here as soon I will be graduating and heading to college. I appreciate the time spent reading and hope you have a good day, night, or whenever you are reading this. -CDH

Space Matts!!: Conference Style

 In the last week of my senior year, we looked into what makes a good presentation. Specifically the revolutionization of presentation style. Most of the best information will be held by panel presentations at different conferences. For the longest time most of them consisted of walls of informational text. This style leaves little to interest the mind and even less engagement between presenter and presented. With this in mind we observe a new style that involves a open and simple to understand format. In it we have three main parts. The "ammo bar": a place for the presenter to put in detail charts and visuals that they should keep in mind. The main idea: The main conclusion in simplified language and a QR code to the full paper. And the "silent presenter": a list of bullet points that explain your main points and conclusion in the paper; the abridged version.  For my final post about Frontiers, I am condensing one of my previous papers into this newer format. As yo