Black Lives Matter After The Hype

When thinking of Equality the main things to first come to mind are race and gender, usually as separate matters. We quickly find that "class" is the third issue in there as well as all three being closely knit to create a bombardment of oppression. As one who seems to be at the peak of two of the three in terms of status (White, Male), I wanted to take this chance to listen as much as possible. We first discussed race, reading about different perspectives on slavery in that of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois. From there we researched the reconstruction period and why it fell. And finally in race we visited an exhibition of Robert Colescott who would depict minorities in place of white people; usually famous ideas or works were his targets. 

Moving to gender we started by listing the privileges we each do or don't have. This also related to race as many privileges are associated with your outward appearance. We all said thing like being payed more or less and being more of less likely to get an opportunity. What we didn't consider are the small things we didn't consider like being able to sit up in the morning or be able to walk down the block at night without being pulled over and potentially shot by law enforcement. We continued in gender with readings on the female gender and sexism as well as toxic masculinity. 

Finally in class, we talked about how the lower-working class is treated in different governmental systems where I decided I support socialism the most. We read a bit of the communist manifesto, "Of Property" by John Locke, "Discourse In Equality" by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and compared each. 

As we consolidate the information and translate it to a subject and format new to most of my class. We created "Zenes", a small magazine addressing an issue in the community, city, state, country, or world. It can have many formats such as fully text, fully art, mini comics, or a mix. I chose to recount an issue I realized a few times while on social media. I made a physical copy but because this is online it will be in slideshow format. Without any spoilers here it is:

In the physical copy I drew this piece on an extra page as it was a prominent image during the BLM riots and protests.

"BLM Zene" 2022, CDH


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