Orientation 2021

 As I make my way into my senior year at GCE, orientation sets us up for our first action project of the year. While looking into "what a classroom is" we found much similarity with little change to traditional classrooms in the last 2000 years. To test what could work as a classroom, we went down town to the Pritzker Pavilion to listen to an installation made for "sound testing" proving even an open field can be a learning space. 

As myself an others started to walk up to the pavilion after getting our ID photos taken, we immediately felt as if we were walking into the final stage of a battle tower or if we stood in the center of a colosseum to fight a big boss. The teiko drums of the piece "Sonorous Admitting's" written by Kioto Aoki, could be described as surprising. From the idea of fighting a boss to traditional vibrating tones, the thunderous drumming could be heard very well all over. That was only the beginning. When we finally sat down in the cool grass we unpacked and started filling out some basic questions about the music on a worksheet. Once it was completed I started drawing the pavilion overhang that was above us. As the music shifted from one piece to the next echoing drums became synth, electronic music with hints of piano. It seemed to flow on a thin line of chaos and tranquility. One minute it was playing Minecraft music and the next it was a scratched CD playing while being melted by acid. 

Though the "interesting" mixture of sound it seemed to make both myself and my group very drowsy. I slowly drifted into sleep. With the scenery, temperature, wind and while lying in the grass the oddly calming music was very comfortable.

With the theme of figuring out what a classroom is we had to look around our own building to understand what WE use as a classroom and understand how it will change soon but we need to use it for now. We were asked to redo a room in the building for optimal use and our response was that it mostly already was. We made a rough blueprint of what our space looks like and then made additions. We wanted to bring in a white board, projector(and screen), small desks, and had to tape down the middle of the seats because of CDC guidelines. Did I mention we are still in a pandemic? Yup, masks, distance and hassle so we can learn in peace.

"Blueprint" LM, 2021

"Classroom Pt1" DB, 2021
"Classroom Pt2" DB, 2021
"Classroom Pt3" DB, 2021

Anyways because it is an orientation we had to re-agree to student guidelines and we did that by being asked what a "good student" looks like and then did the same for a "good teacher". Verbal agreement was made then we moved on.
"Social Contract" LM, 2021
Well I'm only a few days in and already my life feels full so I guess we will see how it goes. I hope you didn't have a hard time understanding what i was saying but I'm hopeful for this year. Have a good day night or whenever your reading this.


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