
 In the final weeks of my junior year at GCE, we worked as electricians. Through reading a book called "Devil In The White City" we got to talking about the worlds fair in which would win the lighting contract of it between Tesla and Edison. It was a fight through their inventions; Tesla with AC/ alternating current and Edison with DC/ direct current. When discussing the "War of Currents" our main focus would shift from the people to AC and DC to find each strength and weakness between them. Next thing we knew, our teacher had a means of letting us make circuits ourselves. This leads me into the main idea of this action project: to create a parallel circuit with three resistors(light bulbs) and several displays/ real world examples of it.   

Slide 1: Slide one shows off the circuit laid out, making the fact that I'm using forks to link the resistors obvious.  

Slide 2: With the unconventional way my circuit is set up it was difficult to show how I wanted the room to look but I drew up the frame work with each bulb represent a different resistor. 

Slide 3: The final slide is my diagram of the circuit as I intend it to work.  

Slide 4: In the construction of a circuit there are three core numbers to know: the voltage, resistance, and the current. Each refers to a different part of the circuit: voltage is how much energy comes from the battery, the resistance it how much energy will go through a non conductor(lightbulb), and current is the amount of energy going to each resistor. 

In my real-world diagram, each lightbulb was a placeholder meant to show how much you save with certain products that might have a high start cost but are more effective over time.

TV, LED sign, and the ceiling light.

My class and I would also like to mention SDG 7 "Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all". We wanted to ensure that as a school based around the SDGs, we reference them in our work. With the use of certain usually newer machines over others we can reduce the use of energy but expand the output of light/ use. Doing this reduces demand making energy cheaper. At the very least my architecture/ layout plans will support that goal(SDG 7).  

To wrap this up I want to say this final term has been terrible. Not for reasons conserning the school but my personal life has slowly effected my work in school and I hope that anyone reading this will either understand or push me to do better despite circumstances. This is CDH signing off.



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