Is It The Work?

Again this entry to my blog is about one of my classes; My class and I have been going over censorship in politics, and the Socratic method. Though the main topic is the Socratic method, I would like to bring in what was said about censorship.
To start with a definition would probably be best, censorship is when something is withheld from the public for some reason whether that’s for political reasons or vulgarity.
Censorship is often for protection, for sheltering kids from things like pornography, violence, addictive substances or unwanted messages. The main people to use censorship though would be the government. Books, films, people, themes, art and news, all of these were marked out of the public eye by governments around the world at some point. The unit name of this is politics but most of our conversations have gone to philosophy and that is one reason the project is about Socrates.

Now you might be wondering who is Socrates? Let me explain, Socrates was an agnostic, ancient, Athenian philosopher who was a teacher to many; His two most famous students were Plato and Aristotle.
He changed the way most people thought of everything they knew; Bringing their beliefs down to the last detail.
From Socrates, we got something that is all too familiar for most parents. The Socratic method is best described as “constantly asking questions only to get an answer that leads to more questions.” The reason I mentioned parents is that most small children want to know more and are always asking “why?” In doing so they are unknowingly using something created thousands of years before they were born.
The only two drawbacks to this method are that sometimes you might bring someone or yourself to a disappointing or unwanted belief or bring exposure to the wrong thing.

In the video below, my partner (JH) and I had a base question of “does the school system properly support students physically and mentally?”

Make sure to give my partner some support as well: 


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