Hero's Journey

A Crook and A Father

Two stories explained by C.D.H.

In this unit for my Humanities core class known as Stories, I learned about the Hero’s Journey. The hero’s journey is a set storyline that fits most main characters, meaning: books, movies, T.V. shows and even real life. The journey includes several things: A character is chosen or saute out to go on some kind of adventure; whether it’s emotional or literal, they will face challenges, gain allies, be made new and eventually be able to enjoy the fruits of their labor. You may be wondering why I am going into detail about this and the reason would be because I constructed two “Hero’s Journeys”.

Kaz Brekker is a gang lord crook who would do anything for the right reward. Anything good or bad for money, power, or knowledge; nothing and no one was safe around him. He was an orphan who was tricked into poverty. Growing up in the streets and slums of Kerch he learned many things like sleight of hand and lock picking. This practice eventually led him to create his own gang and became one of the most dangerous people in Kerch. As for my Dad, he grew up in Minnesota and eventually devoted his life to God. I chose Kaz because he was a character that could out think every situation and control it to his benefit. I chose my Dad because other than convenience sake, he is a very understanding person who supports the people around him in any way he can. The two of them are similar for only one thing; they are respected. Kaz is respected for his power and stubbornness. My dad is respected by those around him because of his leadership and people skills. Kaz’s journey will be told by a set of slides while my father will be talking in an audio file and typed online.

Bardougo, L. (2015). Six of Crows. New York : Henry Holt and Company,

Bardougo, L. (2016) Crooked Kingdom. New York : Henry Holt and Company,

The interview with my dad is in this audio file:

Hamernick, Joel. Personal Interview. 2019

The transcript with time stamps:


So what do you think would be or what have been your call to adventure the person or then made you want to.


Go to Christianity. Well you know. What I became convinced. The. Promise of the Gospel. Which is that Jesus Christ.


Loves us for us live for us. And as a result of that. The Bible says there's a version of violence as those. He died for those that live so that those that live should no longer live for themselves.


But for the one who died for them. And so that idea. That. We should live for God we should live for Jesus because of his love for us. And what he's done for us. Became very compelling to me and I just was convinced that if in fact that was true. Which I thought was. Then. I shouldn't. We. Should live a radical life that shouldn't have huge implications if it's actually true that the man in the universe today for us. Then. Sure we're living a normal average boring.


Life. That's how it started. Me and Bruce we decided not to go.


Go on to the next one look at me AIDS slash mentor slash people who helped you who gets when Bruce was like the number one. Yeah. Grief was.


My early on a mentor and really just became best friends. But he was he's just a little older than me and he was just a little further down the road from having kind of turned his life around after making similar kind of stupid mistakes that I had to make. So he was. For sure one. Grandpa mom's dad was definitely another one.


My dad somewhat. My dad was also he but he was less direct. Grandpa was. Better at. I think knowing how to direct me to guide me. But anyway if all three of those guys I would say and then the next guy that was critical was. Pastor Davey Williams. Who's.


Middle name you were named after. I. Thought.


You say that. So his hit his impact on my life was huge huge.


Big. How to love people. Tell me how to think about my role in the church. Me not to.


Take myself too seriously. I think of the laugh of myself but really be deeply embedded in Grace. Grace Grace Grace.


Anyway silent after having had those four men. Bruce. Both your grandfather's Pastor Davey early on were absolutely critical in the first ten years.


After that the next thing it would be. What was the first time you entered. Like.


Skyrim. It's called the unknown world the new place you go to. Being a Christian. And what was her what were some of the. Trials or hardships you had in that.


Well I think you know for me was it you know deciding to go into ministry and this is where I started to more mentoring voices that were incredibly powerful in my life. Dr. King as in Martin Luther King Junior. You say I never met the guy. But it's about reading. About him and his thoughts. And then Dr. John pertinence. These are both. Black pastors from the south. Who help me understand that a big part of the future of my life. Would be living and working among black people.


Pursuing what after being called the beloved community and the way that I described that shorthand is. That.


As Christian people we regard poverty and racism and oppression and injustice as intolerable. This is not the way that the world should be. And so. As a byproduct of that we moved into the neighborhood where you've grown up. We've raised our family here. This has become our home and our full time vocational work. Is trying to pursue the world as it ought to be as a reflection of our faith.


So that's what was in the world of the unknown. I would add a couple of other key people in there that don't mean that Franklin Ballenger being one you know. African-American man my age helped me to better understand the world. As it actually is because I was really blind. To a lot of. Those. There's been lots of little points over the years.


Lots of discouragement. Having to sell the camp because I could not figure out how to. Raise enough money to lead. An organization both here and there. Different different staff. Challenges. Have. Been very difficult. Some very close friends. Like Joint Staff and left staff and not.


Always been happy. And then obviously. As we've gotten to know kids that we have known and loved who got murdered.


And seeing that happen around us and knowing what we can try to help we can't completely fix that. So all those have been very little points. The next. Point in the hero's journey is. Life.


After the lowest point would be the rebirth of how you go. And. I want to see change strategy but. Like. Work up from that point. So. I don't feel like there's like one low point. And then like one overcoming I feel like there are lots of them along the way.


Over and over and over again. So if you fall off the bike. You get back on. You crash again and. You get back on. And that's my room. And. We read a book in over a year ago mom read a column a thousand resurrections.


The way. This lady did so. Her husband and similar to what we do and.


That like language spoke to me. It's like.


A thousand times God has shown back up in some amazing way after I thought things were like to completely fall apart.


And so we've seen that again and again and again. And while it's not like. A straight line to success by any means fact sometimes we still don't know if we're successful or whatever. It's hard to even know what that means. Another hand. We see. More and more kids doing well.


More and more families know we're gonna raise their children even better more and more with our entrepreneurs people growing businesses.


I think we're seeing the community become a safer community because of our work. And so I think all of those things are slowly going in the right direction but it's always like two steps forward one step back. That's just the way it is. And the last point would be.


The return. So. It's coming back to. The point of.


I guess what is now most natural to you. So before you knew God it was something completely different. But. The return and reward of going through the journey. What do you think that would be for you.


The the biggest thing is having a sense of calling. Like I don't know.


A lot of time either of them are good at what I do. I feel that way.


A lot of time I don't know if I'm successful. But the one thing I do have a very strong sense is I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing.


So the sense of calling. And I know that it's important. I know I'm working and it's something that's very very valuable very important to lots of people. And so for me that's the big man. I think a lot of people that you always hear about people who actually like winning the Super Bowl and then they're totally miserable. Like they're completely successful.


But they end up thinking. But it didn't mean anything.


So I'm the other way around. I know what I'm doing means a lot. It's very meaningful. It's very important. And I'm okay. Not.


Knowing if it's all going to be perfect. I guess I just don't have the power to. It's going to be perfect. But for me that's about my faith in God and I trust God to. Sort.


It out. And I'm gonna do my best. To do what I think I'm supposed to be doing.


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