Origin Story

Recently I have been looking into origin stories of different religions from around the world. These stories have not been limited to the creation of the world but also of individual things. The reason I have looked into these stories is for a class that implements history and English called Stories. During this class I was asked to write my own origin story about anything I wanted. In the end I chose to write about the creation of all living things. In this “Origin Essay” I have tried to use descriptive language in writing. I want to tell about exactly how something looks, how the characters feel and how things might seem if you, the reader were there. The story itself makes me think it could be an actual myth with stories of heroes and monsters to make you love or hate either side. All of seems as if it could be in a theater or arena showing itself on a world stage. I believe it could grow to a story as something so great. Without further introduction here it is Life From Emotion.

Life From Emotion

The story of how living things came to be

By C.D.H

In the beginning, there was nothing on the earth only the earth itself. When the earth formed, it had also formed fifteen beings to roam the planet. None of these beings had emotions, places to be or minds to know.

All of them stayed in one place, never changing, never trying to understand what anything was, just existing. These beings were made of stone and had no eyes instead they had a sixth sense like a platypus, the only thing to keep them in existence is the Sun. The Sun at this time was much brighter than it is now. They were hardened by that Sun, and stuck in one form. The only shape that was shown for their bodies were walls with what would look like a head on top but, each one stuck out as if it were holding a bullet from going out the other side. All of them had this bullet head shape but at different angles. They moved with the earth like a glacier moving on land and the bottom of each corner and side come down at a slope. All of them had separate names but to them it was only a distinction not a definition. Byron, Saskia, Deirdre, Leah, Mara, Persephone, Cessair, Jabez, Blaise, Akuji, Desdemona, Keres, Lilith, Loralei and Adelhart. There is no definition of age or recognizable language, so the same rivalry we might feel if someone younger said they were better than someone older would not exist.

Adelhart before the first emotion.
C.D.H 2019

Somewhere in the timeline of their existence, after a meteor hit, shards of the rock shattered and crashed against Adelhart. Adelhart experienced the first emotion, Pain. Once it had felt an emotion for the first time, others started to form. Directly after it had been hurt, fear and anger materialized inside of Adelhart. Fear that it might happen again and anger that it had happened at all, with this realization that it could think this way made Adelhart want more, more emotions. When it tried to go share this new discovery with the others of the fifteen, only sadness came. A deep sadness devoured his entire consciousness; no one else could feel the same way as it. When Adelhart finally calmed down, ideas started coming forth, ideas to make things with his great emotions.

Out of every sensation came a new life and creation with four basic emotions at the top, a burning heat that consumes all named Fire made from anger. A cooling, comforting flow of thick air named Water for sadness. Living things in all different colors and shades called Plants for its happiness. Lastly, a new brand of living thing that could feel in a similar way to it, each with a new attribute named Animals for its fear. Out of these four emotions the Earth was soaked with came new emotions like love, carefulness, compassion and jealousy.

Through all the new creations and emotions the rest of the fifteen became sentient. All of them were born with a different first emotion than the others, but they all felt the same about Adelhart. Their first thoughts about him included admiration, thankfulness and fear, but soon they became jealous of all he had done. Each of them didn't need to communicate to understand the others, they all thought they could rule better than him. Once Adelhart returned, he stood in the very center of them and told about what had been new from before, unknowing what was being plotted. Coming together they surrounded it. Thrown to the ground and broken, Adelhart hastily made one more thing before its demise.

Created to hold his thoughts and feelings, humans were created. Creatures that moved on only two limbs and had minerals inside of every part. They had been filled with knowledge and a burning purpose to live. The last thing Adelhart gave them were the same things it felt as death creeped into its body, anger, pain and bitterness but also forgiveness, hope and compassion. When the fourteen were done with Adelhart, an idea was proposed to create something more powerful to show they could be just as great and even better than Adelhart. In short they made a huge endless abyss that consumes all that is in existence, a Black Hole.


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