Space Matts!!

In the last few weeks of Frontiers we have shifted from learning about the deep seas to outer space. We started with the history of our understanding of space. Understanding started when the first human being looked up at the stars but in terms of recorded understanding we viewed the stars as gods; beings to rule over us and dictate our lives. In some ways they were right as celestial bodies do affect the earth in real ways. At this time we had Ptolemy who suggested that the planets and stars had us at the center of the universe under the name “Geocentric Theory”. Far later we have Copernicus who had a hard time suggesting anything else as by that time the church had a firm grasp on sciences in what was claimed legitimate being if anything did not agree with what they taught was fake. Eventually he was able to publish his heliocentric theory which was able to go out as it left room for a heaven and hell. And finally we came to Kepler and Newton and Einstein who figured out the movement...