Second Final Presentation!

As spring break approaches, so does final presentations for this term. With “guiding questions” (or GQs) as the theme, all students were asked to form their own guiding question relating to a class, unit, or project they have worked on this term. I chose “How can questions change the world?” as my guiding question, relating to the first unit of my class Forbidden Books. In this unit we studied Socrates and the Socratic Method, that is what my question is based on. To get into this project first, I think an introduction to the Socratic Method is in order. In the BC era, during the life of/created by the Athenian philosopher Socrates, was the Socratic Method. The basic definition is that it is a "method of inquiry and instruction" but to describe it, I would say its a way of asking questions to find your true meaning. That may sound complicated but its really just a positive way of questioning a person’s beliefs and/or morals; When you ask the how and whys of a perso...