Dogs on the Island

Recently in my STEAM class known as Population, we have been studying the different ways a species might evolve. Evolution can harden and adapt us to an environment or it can cause us to develop terrifying diseases. The four main ways that we studied include: Natural selection, Genetic drift, Mutation and Gene flow. First, natural selection describes that only the organisms that have traits to survive are likely to pass on their genes. Next, genetic drift says past genes can dominate entire populations or groups based on dominant and recessive gene traits but can then be changed with the introduction of new groups of genes. This has bigger effects on small populations then big populations. Mutation is a mostly unpredictable occurrence that usually has no effect on a person but can still greatly change them; good or bad. Lastly gene flow; I stated that genetic drift can change with the introduction of a new gene pool, that refers to gene flow. Gene flow is when one organism joins a new ...