Advising By Advision
Social Entrepreneurship: In this class my mind first drifts to the thought of building a business. Maybe through building networks of people. Maybe through creating a product or item coveted by the masses. Or maybe some intersection of each. However none of this was mentioned in our studies thus far. Social Entrepreneurship as a class has been based on reading people - reading ourselves in personality and habit while categorizing both, then finding out how to properly evaluate...anything I guess. We evaluate in "SWOT" fashion: It is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. We observe this method to resolve any specific issue or singularity pertaining to a person, group, or situation. My class was given the responsibility to evaluate our school and decide what needs to change. Most have identified communications to be the issue. I considered the same but chose to advocate for reform in our advisory system. According to former Lincoln Park ...