Support Line
In the first unit of my final junior year term, our primary focus has been on triangles and how they coincide with bridges. Before we get into the second half of the unit (Bridges) we need to look at triangles. First we already know about triangles right? Wrong. You know about how angles work in triangles or maybe the Pythagorean Theorem but have you heard of Sine, Cosine, and Tangent? I didn't either. But now, I went through the anguishing journey of finding Sine (Opp/Hypo) Cosine (Adj/Hypo) and Tangent (Opp/Adj) then we find out about Cosine Theta + Inverse Cosine and Sine Theta + Inverse Sine laws. We use all of these to find the angle and side values of any triangles. Soon after we started the talks of how in most large bridges triangles are a commonality. Triangles are used to give the most possible support to the structure while having the least possible dead space. Which leads me into my next (Point? Idea? Assignment?) thing; we (my class) were asked to create bridges out of...