
Showing posts from March, 2021

Thoughtful, Thoughtless Actions

To end this term in my Humanities class "A Nations Argument" we leapt into studying the Constitution and Bill of Rights. This began with how the first settlements decided to create a union and branch away from Europe. That was made clear with the righting of the Constitution which being one, kept us looking at how syllogisms work. Next we looked at the amendments made in the Bill of Rights and people who have had their rights violated. In this action project we were instructed to find a part of the municipal code in our own city that we believe should be changed or "amended."   In my case I chose to pursue a topic that is quite hard to narrow down to one ordinance. In stead I am using an article as the inspiration and a related ordinance as an example.   City of Chicago Flier, 2020 The related ordinance is the "Woodlawn Housing Preservation Ordinance." This is an ordinance that wants to make sure housing prices, rent prices and relocation of residence wi...

Rain Time

 This unit in the class "Light, Sound, and Time" we are finishing up the class and the term with time. Time is relative, and from what we know, we have only existed for an extremely brief period in the time of the universe. If all time was assimilated into one calendar year, the time we have existed only lasts the last minutes of the last month of the calendar. Time has been hard to grasp but as we advanced as a whole we have found ways to track time. That leads me into this action project, my class was asked to either create or update some way to tell time. Once we did so, we had to explain and advertise this in the form of a video. I decided to go with the Phil Swift approach for the video but then realized I'm not good at being excited so I decided to take after a favorite influencer of mine, Michael Reeves, as you will see. Please enjoy. (Credit to my friend LM for editing because I don't know how) So I was looking over the assignment given to me a few days ago to...