The Sounds We Create

In the second unit of my promptly named class "Light, Sound, and Time", we took a deeper look into sound and how it works. Usually in my projects, I try to become the teacher to tell you about how to do things for yourself but this time I will be showing you what I learned and hope that I can make enough sense. We started out by asking "what is sound?". Just based on prior knowledge and a little help from the past unit, we decided that sound is a wave. Sound is a wave yes, but what else is it? Sound is more than a transfer of vibrations, at least for humans. Take music for example, no matter what it is it has an effect. Whether it's a beautiful melody, a loud guitar solo, or literally nothing. During the unit we talked about music constantly. Through the middle of the unit we talked about the math behind how fast sound is and can be. Believe it or not, but sound is affected by everything in its surroundings. Sound travels fastest through solid matter, slowest th...